Haines AK

Women of Haines, Alaska

Women of Haines, Alaska(Excerpt from my book: The Mountain Moved Me) I had a dream of Haines women. We were in a big circle, one in which I was a part of. In my dream, I was ‘reading’ a friend and the tumultuous pangs of her partnership. When afterward, I circled my eyes around, witnessing these strong women of Haines, AK, warriors in their own eulogy. “We’ve been through some stuff”, I muttered through my mind’s thoughts. Noticing how tall…

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Wrangell, Alaska Relief Efforts

Wrangell, Alaska Relief Efforts Wrangell, Alaska just went through a similar landslide to that of Haines, AK, on Nov. 21st 2023. Twelve days away from the Haines’ three year landslide memorial. To say their loss shook our remote town is an understatement. Trapped tears – frozen inside our bodies, too shocking to re-feel, tending to our nervous systems entrapped in unconscious pain. Our numbness was helpful to get us through this, but now reawakened, this time more mature, seeing where…

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