Talk about how you ‘did it’ prior to it happening.

We all have struggles. Everything seems just out of reach in attainment – health, wealth, relationships, courage etc., and what I’ve found myself intuitively doing is I tell people, in my storytelling mind, how I DID IT, even though it didn’t happen yet. It usually goes something like this… Random admiring person (RAP): “Oh, Vanessa, tell me how you got through this period of financial invisibility?” Me (Vanessa): “Oh I don’t know! It was so scary and I didn’t know…

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Addressing your NEEDS, forgoing your WANTS.

Addressing your needs and forgoing your wants seems to be valuable the older you are, in time and space. And that’s because we’re brought up on Santa lists of wants, soon maturing that we no longer need what we want, mainly because we’ll end up having to supply it. Damn Santa. As we evolve, we tend to go back to the beginning, but with a twist, much like the infinity sign. The twist is, we have to ADDRESS our needs…

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I am a living experiment

We all are a living experiment in fact! It dawned on me that where we’re currently struggling is where we’re researching – within. Our library is the center of our experience. Let me back up. I was thinking about the huge financial debt that I’m currently experiencing, yet universally not allowed to fix. Trust me, I’ve tried extensively. I used to be worried. It’s so big now, that I can’t contain that worry, so I let it go. I literally…

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Beyond the Speed of Light

We woke up at 3am to feed our 3 month old. I got a solid 3 hours in prior, which is a miracle in itself. My thoughts go to how much time can I get between the next feeding? I psychically tune into my daughter’s and I silent agreement within my mind each night, which my little one is a participant in. In this agreement I *hear the times that she will awake to feed and try to sway the…

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Doreen Virtue’s downfall, your rising.

It makes me cringe writing about Doreen Virtue’s downfall, but much of it is about YOUR rising instead of the lower vibrations of speculation and judgement. Let’s not take her growth away from her, instead own our own and be better for it. I took a course via Doreen Virtue on becoming a Fairyologist years ago. I know the title sounds airy but for the most part it was educational and informative, using the energy gained in my own personal…

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The Birth of Raven

As I lay on the couch feeling like my big sea lion self, I start to feel something shift. My mother who’s been here for a few weeks now says, “maybe she’s coming today” (just like yesterday and a few days prior) and at that moment in sheer frustration of over prediction, I knew she would arrive very soon. Twenty minutes later to be exact labor ensued due to comments from peanut gallery. And so it begins our 24-hour laboring…

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Greater Good of Pregnancy

Dear men, if you want to understand your woman you might want to read this. This article is dedicated to all the couples who are pregnant and face the challenges that it brings to the relationship. It ain’t easy. Ahhhh the greater good of pregnancy seems ironic, but this is the ultimate feminine evolution, very similar to menopause.   I lost it, I lost everything this past month it seems, what was so stable in my life. It all crumbled…

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The gifts of spring fertility!

In one spring weekend we celebrated our 15th year engagement anniversary, we found a house that we might purchase, my husband got an amazing new job, and we found out we’re pregnant! This all converged on Easter weekend symbolically in relation to pagan roots – celebrating the fertility goddess. For most, finding out you’re pregnant is a joyous occasion but more of a surprise than acknowledged premonition. I’m psychic, so in my world nothing is expected, but rather opened before…

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Becoming a Warrior without Weapons

My three year old toddler came to me today pointing a ruler, yelling, “shooter, shooter”. My mouth dropped, my heart broke into a million pieces. We are a family of peace, speaking up loudly when we see pain inflicted towards oneself or another, holding fertile ground in awakening social responsibility. We value our stillness, our silence, living a purposely peaceful life, not even owning a TV so as to reduce the background noise of nonsense. When we do watch movies,…

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